


Lin King 金翎 キン・リン is a writer and translator based in Taipei and New York. Her fiction has appeared in One Story, Boston Review, and Joyland, and has received the PEN/Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize for Emerging Writers.

Her translations from Mandarin and Japanese into English include the graphic novel series The Boy from Clearwater by Yu Pei-Yun and Zhou Jian-Xin (Levine Querido), the chapbook Cloud Labour by Sabrina Huang Li-Chun (Strangers Press), and the novel Taiwan Travelogue by Yang Shuang-Zi (Graywolf Press), which won the 2024 National Book Award in Translated Literature.

Lin holds a BA from Princeton University and an MFA from Columbia University, where she has taught undergraduate writing. She has worked as a Project Manager for the artist Cai Guo-Qiang and a Program Coordinator at the Weatherhead East Asian Institute.

金翎,1993 年底出生於紐約,1995 年初移居台北, 2012 年再赴美求學。畢業於普林斯頓大學學士和哥倫比亞大學碩士,並在後者任教寫作兩年。身為以英文創作的作者,曾在文藝雜誌《One Story》、《Boston Review》等發表多篇小說和散文,並曾獲得美國筆會PEN America短篇小說新人獎。於 2018 年開始登出中、日、英的翻譯作品,並自 2023年陸續推出游珮芸和周見信以白色恐怖為主題的漫畫系列《來自清水的孩子》、楊双子日治時期歷史小說《臺灣漫遊錄》的英文版,後者獲得2024美國國家圖書獎National Book Awards。

Lin is represented by Mollie Glick at Creative Artists Agency. For translation and other work inquiries, please see the Contact page.

A woman with medium-length black hair sits smiling in front of a red brick wall.

Photo by Annette An-Jen Liu