


Lin King 金翎 キン・リン is a writer and translator from Taipei, Taiwan. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in One Story, Boston Review, and Joyland, among others, and has received the PEN/Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize for Emerging Writers.

Her translations from Mandarin Chinese and Japanese into English have appeared in Asymptote, The Margins, and Columbia Journal. Translated books include Yang Shuang-zi’s novel Taiwan Travelogue (Graywolf, forthcoming 2024) and The Boy from Clearwater (Levine Querido, 2023-2024), a historical graphic novel series on the life of former White Terror political prisoner Tsai Kun-lin.

Lin holds a BA in English from Princeton University with minors in East Asian Studies and Creative Writing. She earned her MFA in Fiction and Literary Translation at Columbia University, where she taught undergraduate writing. She previously worked for the artist Cai Guo-Qiang at his New York studio and currently works at the Weatherhead East Asian Institute.

金翎,1993年底出生於紐約,1995年初隨父母到台北,直到2012年再赴美求學。畢業於普林斯頓大學(學士)和哥倫比亞大學(碩士),並在後者任教寫作兩年。身為以英文創作的作者,曾在英美文藝雜誌《Boston Review》、《Joyland》等發表多篇小說和散文,並曾獲得PEN America美國筆會短篇小說新人獎。身為譯者,在中英文的母語之外,自2013年開始學習日文,並於2018年開始登出中、日、英的翻譯作品。在2023-4年陸續推出白色恐怖為主題的青年傳記漫畫系列《來自清水的孩子》、金鼎獎得主楊双子的長篇小說《臺灣漫遊錄》英文版。文學活動之餘是朝九晚五的上班族,曾經擔任藝術家蔡國強紐約工作室的項目經理,目前任職於哥倫比亞大學東亞研究所。

Lin is represented by Mollie Glick at Creative Artists Agency. For translation and interpretation inquiries, please see the Contact page.